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Empty Nest

When my older two children were in high school, my wife and I decided that we enjoyed family so much that we were going to have more kids. My oldest is almost 20 years older than the youngest who is still at home. At my age, I think I would enjoy an empty nest if the youngest could provide for himself. He's autistic and probably about 7 years behind emotionally. Maybe before I die he will leave. That would be a great joy!
He's autistic and probably about 7 years behind emotionally. Maybe before I die he will leave. That would be a great joy!

I'm with you there. We hope he can take care of himself one day, but we've provided for him financially already, so money isn't the issue.

My other kids have already said they'd take him in if something happened to us (in fact they fought over who would get to take him).

Joseph is a loving and caring person and would give you the shirt off his back (in fact we're working on that because he'd give you anything he had).
Well, she is gone. Going to be different around here. For 23 years we have dedicated our lives to the children, it is indeed bittersweet.
Oldest came home to trade out cars and check on Mom. He helped me move a couple of pieces of furniture and ate lunch.

Daughter is meeting people at school finally. Mom was worried she didn't text back and I have to try to remind her to let go some.

One of my dogs is having trouble adjusting to the daughter being gone, she is lonely and demanding more attention.
I bought a Harley and did some traveling when my youngest moved off to College.
Last week was her 5th anniversary from graduation.
She graduated on a Friday and hired on with a Fortune 100 company on Monday. Bittersweet it is
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