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Rustoleum Rust Reformer


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Senior Member
Anyone ever use this? and does it work? The shops that worked on the body of my car were supposed to remove any rust well I guess bending down to get under the dash wasn't thought about and I noticed rust while working on the VA unit under the dash so at this point since the interior is in the car might as well try this then spray black Rustoleum paint on top, seem like an ok idea?


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Yes several companies make it. It reacts with rust to form a hard black crust.
Good stuff. I use it on any metal surface to slow or stop rust.
If your car is kept out of the weather, you will never see that rust grow and become a problem.
That very good to hear 👍🙂 I used something similar on a MC frame 20+ yrs ago that wasnt so good but I rode in the rain a lot back then, paint ended up peeling off but under the dash and 20 yrs of refinery it should work great for what I want 🙂
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