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Ironman making EV restomods

Robby who?
Could not finish the article, "EV is kinda a no brainer".
I might actually agree, from the opposite perspective!
Oh, and $150-$200K!
So more fodder for rich 'Tards to virtue signal with, nothing practical.

Over in the UK you can buy a EV Morris Minor conversion for about $25K.
Works about as well as the Leaf it takes parts from, but looks so much better.
I'd love an original Mini converted to EV or still with a hopped up petrol motor.
I'd love an original Mini converted to EV or still with a hopped up petrol motor.
I learned to drive in a Cooper S. 1275cc...a real Mini..much faster than it had any right to be..two could pass on an English Lane with hedge rows..
Heard of some Camaros & Chevelles built with Duramax's , saw an Bronco with some kind of Detroit in it. All would be much cool than the same E powered.
I expect the insurance companies will have a new thing to charge you for if you have a EV it will be the run over clause for all the people that will step off the curb in front of you because they don't hear you coming. They most likely will have something in there for fire damage too when you smell something burning and jump out of the car and watch it burn up right in front of you. I have the feeling there's going to be a lot of things they didn't take into account when they jam them down our throat. Luckily at my age I'm hoping to miss out on all the fun.
I expect the insurance companies will have a new thing to charge you for if you have a EV it will be the run over clause for all the people that will step off the curb in front of you because they don't hear you coming. They most likely will have something in there for fire damage too when you smell something burning and jump out of the car and watch it burn up right in front of you. I have the feeling there's going to be a lot of things they didn't take into account when they jam them down our throat. Luckily at my age I'm hoping to miss out on all the fun.
Or when people freeze to death when stuck on the highway in a snow or ice storm because their battery ran out. Sure, you can run a gas tank dry but it is easy to pour a couple of gallons in and get going again (on most cars).
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