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China warns U.S. about domestic EV battery production...

And to think that some patriotic American politician set all this in play so the US could slide backwards. I need a windshield for my pickup and it's amazing how tough it is to get one NOT made in China. Chuck Fina !!
"15 miles from my house".
I hope you are Upwind!
Those things catch fire too often to be downwind.
It is Northwest of us.

Our rural area is now near/in the Carolina Corridor.

This one is 10 miles away:

3o miles to the Southeast

I lived in Charlette NC for a month working when hurricane Andrew hit S Fl, Beautiful state and people but I'm thinking these factories are going to screw the state up visually and all the workers coming from who knows where wont help either
When "The EV revolution" implodes that is going to be a lot of vacant factory space.
I hope the local government is requiring bonds to cover the cost of tearing them down if/when they go bust.
When "The EV revolution" implodes that is going to be a lot of vacant factory space.
I hope the local government is requiring bonds to cover the cost of tearing them down if/when they go bust.
Dell came into NC about 15 - 20 years ago under incentives, closed the plant 2 years later, had to pay all of the incentives back. Hopefully it set a precedent.
If I was a car manufacturer I wouldn't be putting all my eggs in the green energy basket. Our supposed leadership is trying to crame EV's down our throats without thinking things through. In the long run going to EV's to me is going to be a big mistake and if we have to depend on China for the minerals to make the batteries that will be the start of it.
If I was a car manufacturer I wouldn't be putting all my eggs in the green energy basket. Our supposed leadership is trying to crame EV's down our throats without thinking things through. In the long run going to EV's to me is going to be a big mistake and if we have to depend on China for the minerals to make the batteries that will be the start of it.
Very short sighted actually but those pushing the agenda stand to make bank on the movement.
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