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Well-Known Member
So as I was reading the metal thread I came up with this. I don’t like to stray threads if possible so here it is. When I was younger ( in my skateboarding days) my friend and I went to a concert at the community college in Moses lake. Wa. The band was local from Ephrata. Band name moral crux. Still remember the mosh pit. More of a punk band. Anyways I go to their Facebook page read this. Really liked the wishful thinking. If only I had a unicorn rainbow unicorn.


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I won't comment if we are the last civilization because God only knows that, but from my perspective given the laws provided by God, we've failed miserably and as such should be punished.

The first time God cleansed the earth was by water, and the second cleansing will be by fire.

I'm not perfect and never will be, but the perversion that has engulfed the world needs to be purged. If I am to be included in what God sees as a perversion, I humbly and respectfully accept my fate.
I also
I won't comment if we are the last civilization because God only knows that, but from my perspective given the laws provided by God, we've failed miserably and as such should be punished.

The first time God cleansed the earth was by water, and the second cleansing will be by fire.

I'm not perfect and never will be, but the perversion that has engulfed the world needs to be purged. If I am to be included in what God sees as a perversion, I humbly and respectfully accept my fate.
thanks for your thoughts.
I won't comment if we are the last civilization because God only knows that, but from my perspective given the laws provided by God, we've failed miserably and as such should be punished.

The first time God cleansed the earth was by water, and the second cleansing will be by fire.

I'm not perfect and never will be, but the perversion that has engulfed the world needs to be purged. If I am to be included in what God sees as a perversion, I humbly and respectfully accept my fate.
I'm with you.

If I gotta go, I hope my family and I are all embracing and our eyes are closed. I hope to think happy thoughts as the nuke lands 100 yards from me.
I really hope it's quick. I'd love it if it was so quick that I don't feel anything but idk if I'll get that lucky.

As humans continue to overpopulate the chances of nukes and massive devastation are more of a possibility.
I'm with you.

If I gotta go, I hope my family and I are all embracing and our eyes are closed. I hope to think happy thoughts as the nuke lands 100 yards from me.
I really hope it's quick. I'd love it if it was so quick that I don't feel anything but idk if I'll get that lucky.

As humans continue to overpopulate the chances of nukes and massive devastation are more of a possibility.

With weirdos at the helm of many nations, nuclear war is never ending threat. If that's the way the world ends, so be it. I'd rather take as much punishment here on earth then to have to suffer not being in heaven.
I'm with you.

If I gotta go, I hope my family and I are all embracing and our eyes are closed. I hope to think happy thoughts as the nuke lands 100 yards from me.
I really hope it's quick. I'd love it if it was so quick that I don't feel anything but idk if I'll get that lucky.

As humans continue to overpopulate the chances of nukes and massive devastation are more of a possibility.
So why do you have no problem with pushing China or Russia into a corner ?
Why do we want to get involved in foreign problems that don't affect us ?
You and Ron seem oblivious to the fact that Russia and China don't want a war, but if pushed by the USA,
are capable of sending nuclear missiles across the world to hit us.
Of course we will hurt them, but when the missiles start flying it will be too late to negotiate.
So why do you have no problem with pushing China or Russia into a corner ?
Why do we want to get involved in foreign problems that don't affect us ?
You and Ron seem oblivious to the fact that Russia and China don't want a war, but if pushed by the USA,
are capable of sending nuclear missiles across the world to hit us.
Of course we will hurt them, but when the missiles start flying it will be too late to negotiate.
Because their problems DO affect us. The US also doesn't act alone.

You have to start understanding that.
Unless we seek high offices in the government we have no influence on anything but our personal lives and those close to us. You can't let that what you can't control ruin your life, that is the left's goal but you can prepare for what may or may not happen.
We are here for a short time on this Earth and can be called home at any moment. Enjoy what you have now and pass your knowledge and wisdom on to others. Live your life to the fullest so in your last minutes of life you can look back and say, I made a difference.
Unless we seek high offices in the government we have no influence on anything but our personal lives and those close to us. You can't let that what you can't control ruin your life, that is the left's goal but you can prepare for what may or may not happen.
We are here for a short time on this Earth and can be called home at any moment. Enjoy what you have now and pass your knowledge and wisdom on to others. Live your life to the fullest so in your last minutes of life you can look back and say, I made a difference.

Or say, "It's been a hell of a ride". I've always had a simple saying and it goes like this: "Live hard, Play Hard, Die Hard.... Live every day like it's your last"
LOL, I never thought being in favor of going to war with Russia and China at the same time,
when neither one of them wants to fight us, would receive "likes."
Somehow I think DeSantis or Trump would not go along with this stupidity.
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