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Number one plug is wet?


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Senior Member
So, I went to start my car and it’s running like shit?
All of a sudden it’s running bad I pulled the number one plug and it’s wet. The number six plug is fine I can’t get to the other ones they are tough to get out because of the headers.
I switched number one and number four and it seemed to be running better for about two minutes then it started fowling out again?
Not sure why. It’s been running great?
I did put 15 gallons of 110 in about a month ago and I haven’t really been driving it.
Could it be the gas? I usually mix only about 5 gallons with 91 octane at the pump.
Two things that come to mind.... either the 110 has eaten some seals or destroyed the float.

Is it a dual plane intake, and if so check the other cylinders on that plane and if they are wet too, then it's most likely carb issues, otherwise get a spark tester and check #1 for spark.
I was thinking it was the gas. I had no problems till I put more than usual in plus,it sits too much. More than I want.
Couple weeks ago, I had a problem with the fuel pump.
I’ll have to pull the carb. I’ll see tomorrow.
I'm curious what's your compression ratio? at 10.8:1 on an engine dyno we found no difference between Non Eth 91 & 93 for HP, starting & running Edit I used to mix 110 & 93 non eth in my bikes and found no perf diff either
I'm curious what's your compression ratio? at 10.8:1 on an engine dyno we found no difference between Non Eth 91 & 93 for HP, starting & running Edit I used to mix 110 & 93 non eth in my bikes and found no perf diff either
Sorry Rick just saw this.
I’m not sure what ratio it is? I’m not sure what hp it is either. Never checked. The guy I bought it from said 400 hp but, I don’t know. I did put a bigger cam and had the heads done. The rest is what ever he did.
The 110 does make it run better, not sure if it increases hp. Seems when I put more in than usual, it started giving me problems.
I’m going to pull the carb and have it rebuilt. It’s been a while since a refresh.
15 years!? Winter is coming anyway.
Sorry Rick just saw this.
I’m not sure what ratio it is? I’m not sure what hp it is either. Never checked. The guy I bought it from said 400 hp but, I don’t know. I did put a bigger cam and had the heads done. The rest is what ever he did.
The 110 does make it run better, not sure if it increases hp. Seems when I put more in than usual, it started giving me problems.
I’m going to pull the carb and have it rebuilt. It’s been a while since a refresh.
15 years!? Winter is coming anyway.
Could be sticking floats or high float level or leaking past something in the carb, like you said time for a carb refresh 👍🙂
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