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67 Dash/ gauge resto

That was a mid'70s tach, replacing the dixco in the '60's and the Sun 9a. One of the most iconic, imo, is the SW chrome barrell tach used on the Yenko.
This is a great thread! I need to convert my Speedo dash to eliminate the automatic info so this should prove useful!

Also, back in the day we did what was said....used under dash gauges as most of us couldn’t afford the factory gauges, at least that’s the way it was for my ‘67. I also added a 10,000 RPM Sun Tach on my steering column....wish I still had that! :-(

My new to me ‘67 has the blinker Tach so I will use that for sure for originality. This ‘67 Chevelle SS also came with all the factory gauges which is cool!
This is a great thread! I need to convert my Speedo dash to eliminate the automatic info so this should prove useful!

Also, back in the day we did what was said....used under dash gauges as most of us couldn’t afford the factory gauges, at least that’s the way it was for my ‘67. I also added a 10,000 RPM Sun Tach on my steering column....wish I still had that! :-(

My new to me ‘67 has the blinker Tach so I will use that for sure for originality. This ‘67 Chevelle SS also came with all the factory gauges which is cool!
The reason most of us didn't want the factory gauges was they didn't have specific numbers on them.
Camaros on the console were pathetic.
Stewart-Warner gauges were just far superior IMHO.
And Sun tachs on the column were equal or better to anything from the factory.
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I’ve seen that mentioned in OCS threads - that the gauges don’t have numbers so how do you know if your engine coolant is 170 degrees or 200? Some folks posted up what they thought each hash mark meant. Who knows how accurate that is, but I guess as long as the needles aren’t too far to either end you’re probably not in danger.
Not ideal but better than just warninglights I guess.
This is what I'm using. I think the one you have came along 20 years later

View attachment 8590
I had a 10,000 RPM Sun Super Tach on the steering column of my '67 back in the day...nothing better than that! I didn't have any other gauges as I recall. I may have had a couple aftermarket gauges (oil pressure & water temp maybe) but I swear I just don't remember. Wish I had more than the one pic of my interior! :-( My current '67 has all the factory gauges (optional), plus the blinker tach which I think is pretty cool! My old Chevelle was really stripped down as I put all my money into the L78 engine, 4-speed and the 4.10 posi diff! LOL! I could have cared less about many of the other options (I couldn't afford them anyway!)
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