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Cartography/Road Maps


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This is what my wife did in the 80's long before GPS and Cell phones, I remember the state maps my dad always kept in glove boxes because the wind could blow a certain way and off to Ohio we went lol, my wifes doing some cleaning out and ran across these, she's Kathy B


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Yep, when we used to plan a long trip we'd call AAA and tell them our destination, and they'd provide the maps and routes.
In 1970 I road from Oh. to my dads place on Madeira Beach Fl. in my Gmothers 69 Cougar Eliminator, my Gpa ask her how much further to some stop we were making, ( Touristing lol) she looked at the map, used her fingers and held her hand up to show my Gpa about 1/2" between her thumb and index finger, he looked back at me smiling and shaking his head :ROFLMAO: Edit Funny the things that stick in your head, I couldn't tell you 100% what I worked on a week ago LOL
The AAA things were called Trip Tiks. I remember them, like a multi page strip map. It had time between points, places if interest and a description of the land you were driving thru. I used one when I moved to Texas and had it for a long time afterwards.
When using Google maps, click the magnifying glass. Hit search along route and type in your choice of word. Like "fun, food, gas, amusements, etc" you can find things to do the same way.
Google Maps will screw you up. It will send you the shortest way. It put us on a 25 mile gravel/dirt road in Eastern Idaho. The paved road route was 20 miles longer.
I still have a Street Finder Map for finding addresses years ago doing service calls, it's in my work van but I haven't opened it in years
We just bought a 2023 road atlas. When traveling, I do use my phone for directions with Waze and JBV1. (I refuse to use google maps). Though those are great to use, I prefer to see a small scale atlas size roads for preferred routes. We also prefer like to use rural country roads to go around cities. When traveling North, I refuse to drive through Atlanta no matter how long it takes.
We just bought a 2023 road atlas. When traveling, I do use my phone for directions with Waze and JBV1. (I refuse to use google maps). Though those are great to use, I prefer to see a small scale atlas size roads for preferred routes. We also prefer like to use rural country roads to go around cities. When traveling North, I refuse to drive through Atlanta no matter how long it takes.
Why does it seem like all roads lead to Atlanta!
I lke an atlas as well, I like to see the big picture as well as turn by turn. The Rand McNally atlas for truckers is my favorite.
Lisa uses Waze. We used google maps on the way to NC and it sucked. Lisa started Waze and it took us on the best routes. I don't use maps at all, I already know pretty much where I'm going.
It amazes me how many people have to use their GPS for everyday driving. I will kick it on to see if there is a backup on my commute route so I can go another way, then I turn it off. Waze is Ok. The Fusions came with GPS built in, Ford wants $199 for 5 years to keep it updated. No thanks.
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