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1968 Air Handler


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We replaced a system at a condo in South Pasadena Fl today that still had the original air handler in a closet and still working fine, the 2002 outside condensing unit was on its last leg so the condo owner wanted a new system, 1968 is the same year as my Chevelle 🤔 but Im very sure the new unit wont last 54 years JK as the the owner already knows how things are when it comes to appliances etc.


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Dad built his own in '68. Oil burner boiler feeding a radiator heat exchanger and 3 zones.....manually dampered. Boiler has been replaced about 15 years back but the original motor's still going and other than belts and filters, all oem. All this sits in an actual mechanical room about 80 sq. ft., in the full basement.
When I started my business almost 13 yrs ago 1 of the officers was an electrical/mechanical cont. from the 70-80's Gordon E. Lee of G.E. Lee electric he built gas stations that's why he had a Mech. lic. for pumps, anyway he built his own GeoThermal a/c & heat system in a mech. room under his house (Not many Basements in my area) in the early 70's and asked me to service it about 8-9 yrs. ago so I went there and :oops: :ROFLMAO::LOL::unsure: and him being in his early to mid eighty's wasn't any help explaining how he built this Set Up? Get Up? lol, return ground water had to have a sprinkler system turned on so water could Soak back into the ground!...Necesity Is The Mother Of Invention... and I got it serviced, cleaned the heat exchanger with a light mixture of water & muriatic acid, I've worked on similar systems and had a rough idea what he made, worked on 1 Geo that had 100+' of return water pipe going to a pond, these old units were installed in the early 70's and still working and relatively low maintenance
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