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shop security system


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Senior Member
im looking for some kind of camera system thats internet enabled. preferably wireless where i can move the cameras around. im open to anything that works really. hoping one of you guys has a few ideas
I've been down this road before and I don't like wireless cameras. Often the signal has interference unless the router is very close and it usually never is. My last house I wired for IP cameras when I built it and was very happy with the results. I'm building a barndominium right now and will wire it for cameras, but I'm unsure if I'll install any because I live very rural now and don't see any potential issues, but you never know. My last place had 8 cameras recording full time and it recorded neighbors doing some pretty whacked out stuff. We have a German Shepard, so no one really came close to the house anyways.
I've been down this road before and I don't like wireless cameras. Often the signal has interference unless the router is very close and it usually never is. My last house I wired for IP cameras when I built it and was very happy with the results. I'm building a barndominium right now and will wire it for cameras, but I'm unsure if I'll install any because I live very rural now and don't see any potential issues, but you never know. My last place had 8 cameras recording full time and it recorded neighbors doing some pretty whacked out stuff. We have a German Shepard, so no one really came close to the house anyways.
You said wire..... Makes my neck twitch! It is a Cable!!!!

We have 2 Lorex wireless 4 cam systems, on our 3rd 4 cam system over about a 8+ year span, even wireless cams need a 120 volt outlet within 6' or you need battery cams, these cams that are farthest from the DVR will blink out now & then, we added a booster antenna on one cam that's mounted on the back of our detached garage roughly 75' away but it picks up anyone in our deadend alley since we've had an attempted break in and some random black guy jump our privacy fence into our yard so now I'm a little cam crazy 😁 we have 8 lol but you'll notice 1 blank screen that's from 2-3 second wireless interruption or disco


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Yes you can but we haven't done that since someone's here 24/7, I buy ours on Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales but 1 4 cam system was under a bed in a spare room for awhile and the 43" monitor was in a closet about a year before I hooked it up, it came with the system supposedly free (LOL) and I really didn't need it so I lost a lot of warranty with stuff just laying around not being used but I did have 1 cam go bad fairly early and Lorex had me email a pic of serial # and where it was mounted then sent another one with a return label to send the bad 1 back, and decent customer service, I think if we moved I'd do a COAX system though but don't get me wrong these are pretty darn good earlier this year we got an Amazon big gray van hitting our new car on video and the guy got ticketed for it but later denied doing any damage ($2,200 worth) but our ins had the video so they lost that argument
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