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Here's a good, thought provoking article.

Interesting. I'm a Christian and an independent and don't share the same views of being persecuted or discriminated against, but I do see those in power ignoring a vast majority of Christians and their beliefs.

I do not force my beliefs on anyone, but expect my beliefs to be considered in making decisions as a whole for all the people.

America was founded on principles of freedom and also included acknowledging God, and what upsets me more is removing any traces of religion and morality.
As the founding fathers said (Thomas Jefferson ?) , the constitution is meant for moral people.
It won't work any other way.
I would replace the word "christianity" with "morality". Our laws are based on the 10 commandments.
Ancient Israel was founded on those same principles, but it was just words.
God knew it so He removed them and gave His Kingdom to another nation.
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