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Why are "Joined dates" from the OCS?


Well-Known Member
Senior Member
I noticed that a member that I know joined here after I did is listed as a senior member. So I started looking at different member join dates and they are all the join dated from the OCS. WTH???
Total BS! I was here when the discussion took place of what to call the original members that started this site, since the OCS has the Gold founding members. Even though I voted on that issue, I wasn't here early enough to get the Senior member badge. You really need to rethink your lame excuse or at least be consistent.
Total BS! I was here when the discussion took place of what to call the original members that started this site, since the OCS has the Gold founding members. Even though I voted on that issue, I wasn't here early enough to get the Senior member badge. You really need to rethink your lame excuse or at least be consistent.
What date would you like? I can change it.
How about the actual join dates of THIS SITE!
When I voted on what the original members should be called, I didn't care that I missed out on the Senior member badge since I was a week or two too late. But when I see that newer members than me have that badge it rubs me wrong. I guess I expected more of you guys.
How about the actual join dates of THIS SITE!
When I voted on what the original members should be called, I didn't care that I missed out on the Senior member badge since I was a week or two too late. But when I see that newer members than me have that badge it rubs me wrong. I guess I expected more of you guys.
You bring up a good point, we can go through each member and change it but I would like to hear a consensus about it.
The original intent was to show history that started on OCS and to carry it here because OCS was changing to a limited speech site and we wanted to reflect how it really should be.

If others feel the same way we can address it together since this is a member owned site and everyone's voice counts.
When I joined I was asked if I wanted my same credentials & join date from OCS. I simply said sure that's fine, no big deal to me.
And I do enjoy this site. I come here more often than the OCS. Where I see hypocrisy is granting status where it's not earned. If your granting Senior member willy nilly then that's your choice. Sounds like a liberal socialist policy to me. 🤣

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