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Ahh... Automotive ingenuity...

Don't laugh I was working on a friends car and noticed one of the slots in the fuse box had a solid round piece of metal in it. I know he had electrical problems in the past and had taken it to a garage for it. I told him about the metal piece because I figured it could have caught his car on fire and he actually got pissed off at me and said your always looking for something that's wrong with my car. I left the rod in there and that was the last time I worked on his car.
Don't laugh I was working on a friends car and noticed one of the slots in the fuse box had a solid round piece of metal in it. I know he had electrical problems in the past and had taken it to a garage for it. I told him about the metal piece because I figured it could have caught his car on fire and he actually got pissed off at me and said your always looking for something that's wrong with my car. I left the rod in there and that was the last time I worked on his car.

Some people just don't get it and never will Hank.
It amazes me how people cut a minor issue for a potential large loss. Especially if this car sits in a building. I cant imagine losing one car. even worse if its in a garage or shop with other cars. Just waiting to burn down.
I really like watching YouTube of the mechanics who post 'Customer States ...'. The things people bring in to shops with the craziest excuses.
Customer states is a common term used by service advisors to tell the tech it is a customer complaint not a service writer diagnosis. Techs will back stab the service writer in a heartbeat!
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