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Float Level Adjustment


Shop Foreman
It is amazing how little a float can be out and cause a running rich issue. I have been noticing my Gold car (Rochester 2BBL) running a bit rich, I pulled the carb off, pulled the top off and adjusted it. I think I didn't set the level properly when I built it last time because I did not have the gasket installed.

After I reinstalled and restarted she is running smoother, not smelling as rich and not leaving black of the ground under the tailpipes.
One thing to be aware of is the screws that hold the throttle body to the main body of that 2GC (the screws that are accessed from underneath with the carb off the manifold) Those screws can come loose as the engine runs and cause a hard to find vacuum leak.To check it just grab the carb top and twist back and forth if they're tight no movement but if they're loose you'll see it move when you twist your carb.
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