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St. Augustine 2022


Shop Foreman
Made our way from NC today, mainly on I-95. Traffic was heavy but after I-26 it got worse. We were in a long backup for an hour, then we backed up in Georgia, then Florida man am I beat. The truck and camper did great for the 500 mile run. Found a Buccees in Florence SC with diesel at 3.95.

Once at our site we found backing in was going to be tough, trees and strange site angle. I was able to work it in, leveled, powered, dewinterized and now we are relaxing.
Thanks for inviting Lisa and I for the tour of St. Augustine. We enjoyed spending time with you and your family.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation (and the Florida warmth).

Dang it!!! I can't take this 80 degree weather!!!

Yes I can, Awesome day to go to a farm to buy fresh produce near Deland and drive up A1A from Daytona back to St Augustine. The hurricane really wiped out the beach.
I love rural areas, we ended up on a sand road in farm country. Nice temp today but I imagine the area would be blistering hot in the summer.
Mid to upper 90's would be normal in mid summer, but you get used to it really quick (we did). That's why I was wearing my beanie cap on the tour.... I was freezing.

Funny part is most people don't realize just how rural some parts of Florida can be, and those are some of the best destinations hands down.

We try to stay away from the cities as much as we can.
Made it back to NC yesterday right at dark, no issues but I am glad to be off I-95, horrible road especially from the GA line to I-26 in SC. SC also has rough pavement.

The person taking care of our birds reported that we had a chicken and rooster killed, our littlest one. I buried him today. Been working around the house on a few things, re-winterized the camper and washed the Excursion from the sea salt off of FL A1A.
Made it back to NC yesterday right at dark, no issues but I am glad to be off I-95, horrible road especially from the GA line to I-26 in SC. SC also has rough pavement.

The person taking care of our birds reported that we had a chicken and rooster killed, our littlest one. I buried him today. Been working around the house on a few things, re-winterized the camper and washed the Excursion from the sea salt off of FL A1A.
Worse than Iowa?
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