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Weighted drums vs non-weighted drums...


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Senior Member
I just redid the rear brakes on my '71. The drums that were on there had weights on them. I ordered the drums for my rear axle housing (8.5" 10 bolt out of a 1972 Skylark), and they do
not have any weight on them. Will this be okay? I think that I used the drums for a Chevelle the last time, as both types fit fine and work. In fact, I believe that everything interchanges,
even though the part numbers say that they don't. Let me know what you think.
I've never seen an oem drum without weights but then if your old drums have been turned, they need to be rebalanced, which I never have done. Not much help I guess, but if you're concerned I'd just run it by the 25 year old "tech" at the tire/popcorn shop.....but seriously, it's a great question.
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