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Dash board hack.


Hello fellow Chevellers! . I have a 70 SS 4 speed. I was going to tackle a headlight switch replacement. In first couple minutes I encountered my first problem. Someone must have lost a couple of screws holding dash pad. When I got to The ones in glove box, they used the wrong screw. When attempting to remove, the screws will turn but won’t loosen up. I’m assuming what ever they screw into has broke loose inside . Any ideas without destroying the dash pad? Any advice would be appreciated.
Don't have a '70, but if the screws are just spinning you're going to have a hell of a time getting them out unless you can reach up behind the dash.

Don't drill them unless you have no other choice and even that's a bad idea because the heat from the spinning will melt the dash.
Didn't know you have to remove the dash pad to remove the headlight switch !
Maybe this can help ?

Thanks for the video. I have viewed it a couple times . I cannot for the life of me figure how to get my big mitt up under and reach up to the switch. And try and find release button for knob. Could SS dash cluster be harder to reach up past than the stock cluster ? Anyway, had a couple people tell me that under dash pad it’s easy replacement. I can see it would be except for these 2 screws. Thanks . I appreciate your input.
Thanks for the video. I have viewed it a couple times . I cannot for the life of me figure how to get my big mitt up under and reach up to the switch. And try and find release button for knob. Could SS dash cluster be harder to reach up past than the stock cluster ? Anyway, had a couple people tell me that under dash pad it’s easy replacement. I can see it would be except for these 2 screws. Thanks . I appreciate your input.
Do you have a small carbide burr ? Like this one :


You can grind the head off the screws in the glove box and then remove the pad
Yes, I do have a set of those. That will probably work better than what I was going to do. May not save the pad itself , but can remove and replace . My method would have destroyed the pad . I will give that a try. Thank you.
Yes, I do have a set of those. That will probably work better than what I was going to do. May not save the pad itself , but can remove and replace . My method would have destroyed the pad . I will give that a try. Thank you.
One trick is to loosen the left top dash brace and center brace by the A/C center duct, the dash will have enough give to move forward for hand access. I usually reach up from the bottom to get to the button.
Dash bolt locations are left side top and bottom. One above the steering column, column has to be dropped for access. One at the center vents and IIRC one in the lower middle and 2 on the right side.

On 70-72 dash boards be very careful not to release the dash unevenly it will crack the old plastic as there is no metal bracing just to the left of the glovebox. If you have a column shifter make sure you remove the shift indicator cable from the column before lowering it. The climate system has connections on the top and bottom. Be careful of all of the screw/bolts going into the dash, they can split. Depending on how far you want the dash to come out the speedo cable will have to be disconnected, there is a push tab on the cable at the back of the speedo head.

My record time is 20 min to have the dash out in my younger more flexible years.
The dash pad yes. Very easy, only need a Philips head. There are screws under the dash lip and 2 in the glove box. Use a short Philips for the screw above the column. When loose lift up and pull out.
Ha, that is the reason for this post.. lol. Yes should have been a very easy process. My issue? The 2 screws holding the pad down from glove box, were replaced along the way with the wrong screws. When I tried to remove, they just spin now.. not loosening. What ever the screw anchors to must have broke loose inside pad . So I cannot remove the dash pad. What started as a 20 min. Job has opened a can of worms.
I’m sorry if I’ve been vague on my problem. The dash pad screws in glove box have stripped out due to someone using wrong screws . I can’t remove it.
I’m sorry if I’ve been vague on my problem. The dash pad screws in glove box have stripped out due to someone using wrong screws . I can’t remove it.
Can you grab the screw head with pliers/vice grips and pull on the screw as you turn it ?
IF you are flexible enough you can reach the button for the headlamp switch from under the dash, it is not easy and you may have to move a few items out of the way. The A/C vent will be the worst to deal with. Once the rod is out you have it made, just disconnecting the wires but they have slack.

Can you post a pic of the inside of the glove box where the screws are?
You may find that lifting up on the edge of the pad above the screws to put pressure on it while turning them out may work as well.
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