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How To Put OC On My iPhone Home Page?


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Hey guys I’ve been going to Google to get on here, I had OC on my Home page on the android and everything was supposed to transfer but didn’t
The out of town kids & Gkids been on me about getting these so we can “Face Time” 😕 so I did and…well we can now Face Time lol 🙂 I barely had all the android stuff for my job figured out now I get to start over and I’m not phone or computer smart 😂 Oh and Kathy is Really Happy…🤯 Oh and best part the guy said he could save me $ so now cost $20+ a month more than the other carrier 🤬
The out of town kids & Gkids been on me about getting these so we can “Face Time” 😕 so I did and…well we can now Face Time lol 🙂 I barely had all the android stuff for my job figured out now I get to start over and I’m not phone or computer smart 😂 Oh and Kathy is Really Happy…🤯 Oh and best part the guy said he could save me $ so now cost $20+ a month more than the other carrier 🤬

Always get it in writing first. Can't tell you how many times jackholes have told me the same and when I say prove it and show me on paper, they usually can't.

I can count the number of people I trust in this world without question on 2 hands, the rest can pound sand.
Well they did match the service price but I chose a phone that was smaller and not on the “Free” list but Kathy’s was a 14 Plus and Free?LOL so an extra $10 per month puts it at $90 plus taxes for 2 phones, I was paying $80 after taxes for 2 phones But No Face Time 😂
Just download kinzoo app and as long as they have it too you can video call anyone.
Iphones are like going backwards.
I use it with my family.
My wife Hates iPhone but we can split screen call so many kids we need magnifying glasses 😂
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