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1993 F350 7.3 IDI Diesel Build

I already have the dually single cab I was dropping the extra cab onto, so that's why I wanted the extra cab. Crew cab there would be a 3' bed and that's not gonna work.
It was. In perfect shape and they guy lives less than 3/4 mile from me and he's going to deliver it tomorrow.

$300 and he's throwing in a whole bunch more, so I'll give him $350 for delivering it.

God's got the plan, and only He makes it known when it should be.
F250 parts truck

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The nice young man just delivered it. Lisa and I think he's financially strapped so we gave him $400 instead. He has a young family and had them all including his wife in the SUV that he towed the truck over with. Very nice young man.

Still in the same spot he delivered it. I'm going to move all the vehicles into a clearing so that doesn't happen again.
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