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Advice on installing line from propane tank to house ?

Nashville Cat

Veteran Member
Senior Member
I bought a 250 gallon propane tank and it's placed about 20' from the back of my house.


I was going to use 1/2" CSST line (corrugated stainless steel) but it says a max of 5 psi ?
The regulators I was told to use are 10 psi at the tank and then about 1/3 psi at the house.
I could buy 1/2" copper that's coated with plastic ? Is that the best line; just go with 1/2" copper ?

I think I will put it in 1-1/4" plastic conduit when I bury it.
I went ahead and ordered the plastic-coated copper (1/2").
It was more than double the cost - $160 for 50 ft - but it should be easy and trouble free.
By code there should be a tape marking a gas line buried on top of the line.
So the 1-1/4" pvc pipe (with the copper line inside) should have yellow "gas line" tape on the top of it ?
Maybe some tape like this on the pvc pipe ?

Above or Under ground? in Fl. we just use 1/2" rigid pipe then a cpl ft long copper flex from a shut off valve to equipment, Fl and I think National code is Nat or LP gas tank to be (???? Brain Lock) feet away from anything that can cause a spark like AC contactor, I'll look up the code, 9' and 25' come to mind
Above or Under ground? in Fl. we just use 1/2" rigid pipe then a cpl ft long copper flex from a shut off valve to equipment, Fl and I think National code is Nat or LP gas tank to be (???? Brain Lock) feet away from anything that can cause a spark like AC contactor, I'll look up the code, 9' and 25' come to mind
I have the tank 10' from the mini-split. 9' would be nice :)
A quick Goggle search says 10 feet from any ignition source like a window AC etc., I guess 9' was my own idea ?
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