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Lisa Marie Presley

I was just a little kid when Elvis died. My mom was pretty new to the US and as an international star, she was an Elvis fan. I always loved his voice but didn't get into the fandom. It struck me a few years ago how young he was when he died and how terrible he looked. I now see him largely as a victim of Colonel Parker and others.
I saw the Elvis movie recently and I guess you either loved it or hated it. Other than an poetic license with the facts of Elvis' life, I thought it was great movie. Toward the end of his life (in the movie), it struck me that they didn't go far enough portraying "fat Elvis", until the very end when there's a scene of him sitting at a piano, short of breath, sweating like a pig singing Unchained Melody. I had to confirm by looking on the internet that it was actual last concert video. So close to his death, but the pipes still sounded amazing. Tragic loss.
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