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David Crosby

Sorry to see this...he was a talented sole whose music will be long remembered. I didn't know he was in the Byrds. I hope he sailed away to heaven on one of the "Wooden Ships"! Love that song!
Big peace (pun intended) of my earlier life. The greats are fading into the sunset. Hell this place doesn't even resemble the USA any more. Love to see through the barrier into 50 years from now. I expect my generation saw the best the USA will ever be.
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I was fortunate to see many of them back in the 70-80’s. Waylon, Charlie Daniels, Seagar. (5) times, Aerosmith 4 times, Ted Nugent 4 times.. Sammy When he was playing with Ronnie Montrose! On and on. now days not many I would pay to see. Chris Stapleton was our last venture…
I was fortunate to see many of them back in the 70-80’s. Waylon, Charlie Daniels, Seagar. (5) times, Aerosmith 4 times, Ted Nugent 4 times.. Sammy When he was playing with Ronnie Montrose! On and on. now days not many I would pay to see. Chris Stapleton was our last venture…
And my last would be Gilmour and company.
With Pink Floyd? Or solo band? I also saw AC DC get booed off the stage thier first trip to Seattle. They opened for Seagar and Heart I believe . Know one has heard of them at all. They returned the next year headlining a sold out coliseum.
With Pink Floyd? Or solo band? I also saw AC DC get booed off the stage thier first trip to Seattle. They opened for Seagar and Heart I believe . Know one has heard of them at all. They returned the next year headlining a sold out coliseum.
I attended the Animals concert waaaaay back when and many more thereafter. I think it was May of 77 or something. To be fair I've been to a few of Waters' solo stuff as well but this thread is actually about Crosby so I apologize for going off the tracks.
One more David Crosby story then.. summer of 89 I think, CSN was playing at the Gorge on the Columbia river in Washington. The amphitheater over looks the river and Sandy beaches.. Just getting dusk,they just started playing Wooden ships, Crosby walks over to the side of the stage and looks down at the water 1/2 mile away. Some one had taken driftwood and spelled out CSN and then lit it on fire. He was so taken back by it, he stopped playing, and called his band mates over to see it. You could tell it moved him . It was an amazing setting. That’s my favorite Crosby moment!
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