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Hot Rod Garage - Lucky's 66 goes roll racing

I've watched her a few times and like her. Though I enjoy her channel, I really don't take much stock in YT people with unlimited money breaking stuff just to do it all over again. I think she and her father are on the better side. Some other I can't watch.

I don't think much about roll racing. As is my opinion, there really isn't much of a skill to it. I see it as people that don't know how to drive a car or set one up. No real traction issues due to the rolling. Just drive down the HWY and stab the pedal and hope you have the HP/WT ratio and distance to pull away. Skill? I get it every day I drive the Chevelle down the HWY. Some young kid pulls up next to me or behind me in a new XXX. I assume they think because it's a classic that its setup for 1/4 and not the HWY. BIG SUPRISE awaits them, but no skill. They're even worse on the street. NO clue how to make or help a car hook. Most around here will not even try the street these days.
Alex (Alexandra) stepped in since Tony Angelo left. Tony is hard to replace but I have always liked Lucky more
so it's nice seeing Lucky have to step up and do most of the talking.
The "roll racing" is only one episode. It was the only video I could find :)
Too bad Tony left. I liked him. Anyone know what’s he’s up to?
I love Luckys car. It’s badass.

I Loved the episode of one of those shows where Frieburger and Ducich took basically budget, stock style suspension parts and beat Lucky’s heavily modified car (both 66s I believe) in a slalom type course. Basically showing it was more the driver rather than trick parts.
^^^ I saw that episode and if you watch it turns out the course must've been set up wrong because as soon as they switched sides Lucky blew the blue 4 dr away and just as it was when Lucky lost over there, Dulcich's car wasn't even close.
I think without knowing it they made one course vere away in the wrong direction causing it to drive a longer distance and then it showed up as the two cars competed on the course.
No corners, no interest.
Willow is my favorite track, the off camber up top and the blind corner a couple of turns later keep it interesting no matter what you are driving.
One of my builds is a "Continuation" 60's Sports Racer I intend to run at Willow Springs.
It's in Rosamond CA, nearest "Real" town Is Lancaster, CA.
Been a track since 1953, GT-40's did testing there back in the day.
Close to Edwards Air-force base, where they used to do most of the experimental flight testing.
I think Edwrds was an alternate landing site for the Space Shuttles too.
70 Years young!
Yeah it was an alternative landing spot for the Space Shuttle. I wonder if the Shuttle could land like this if they would've kept it alive ?

What say you ?
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