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18 Years as a Scout Leader


Shop Foreman
After 18 years I have hung up my Scouting career. I started in Cub Scouts with my son and quickly became a leader. In Boy Scouts I became a Scout Master and eventually moved to the Committee. My son has been out of Scouts for almost 6 years now, aging out at 18 as an Eagle Scout. I decided to hang it up this year and let other parents get involved.
I was in the boy scouts until I was 13 when we found out one of the other scouts was a fag (right after we had a camping trip) and I quit as soon as I found out (and the rest of the troop did the same).

Found out some years later that one of the guys the fag was looking at beat the ever living shit out of him and the fag wound up with brain damage. Never heard any more about it.
After 18 years I have hung up my Scouting career. I started in Cub Scouts with my son and quickly became a leader. In Boy Scouts I became a Scout Master and eventually moved to the Committee. My son has been out of Scouts for almost 6 years now, aging out at 18 as an Eagle Scout. I decided to hang it up this year and let other parents get involved.
Thanks for your efforts. Scouting is a wonderful thing.
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