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Calipers binding every so often


Shop Foreman
Brakes are working fine then all of a sudden they seem to bind, if I crack the bleeders and do a bleed they work fine for a while and then will do it again. It happened today after driving 5 miles, bled the brakes and drove it for 5 more miles after they cooled down and it is fine.
Both are new. I had to replace a defective new master cylinder. I bled the cylinder prior to install but may not have gotten all of the air out of the lines, at least that is what I am hoping.
Possibility but normally they don't fail, it is a factory FD/RD car. If it keeps up my bet is a bad master cylinder (again). Cheep Chinese junk.
How old are the rubber hoses going to the caliper? I've had them start to collapse and hold pressure on the brake after I took my foot off the pedal, even had one catch fire on the pass front on a 90 or 91 Chevy pick up, I pulled in a gas station to see what was wrong and seen the fire so ran inside and grabbed a large cup filled it with with water to put it out, it was a collapsed hose EDIT I seen smoke coming from the front pass side and the truck was pulling slightly to the right, I was pretty shocked when I seen the fire because it wasn't pulling bad IMO like it locked up or anything EDIT #2 It was a 9-10 yr old truck at that time and I'm sure they were orig. hoses
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Crazy thing is everything is new.

I ended up adjusting the brake pedal an the added a washer on each stud between the master cylinder and booster. It is fixed now, we were in heavy traffic with it for about 12 miles this afternoon and it was stopping perfectly.

Aftermarket master cylinder and reproduction brake booster, gotta love it
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