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Stainless NPT?


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Senior Member
Changed the well pressure tank last Tues. had been fine, but I noticed it was leaking tonight.
It was just leaking on a threaded joint. I had used joint compound but maybe just didn't get it tight enough.
Stainless get so grabby when it gets tightened. Maybe should have used antisieze?
Use brass or plastic. Stainless has always been a pain. Only other thing you can try is pipe dope with teflon embedded, but you'll have to crank it down pretty hard and risk screwing up the thread.
I'm pretty sure I got it tighter this time, had the wife sit on the tank while I tightened.
Was going to used the old brass fitting but couldn't get it clocked right, the stainless one had a union.
Problem I always had with stainless is it's much harder than the brass or copper fittings and the threads of the mating surface get destroyed when you crank it down too much.

If it keeps leaking, put a brass or plastic nipple in and it'll seal like a charm.
Problem I always had with stainless is it's much harder than the brass or copper fittings and the threads of the mating surface get destroyed when you crank it down too much.

If it keeps leaking, put a brass or plastic nipple in and it'll seal like a charm.
Exactly, that's why I mentioned antisieze.
This is what it is, too bad they didn't have a brass one with a union.

Exactly, that's why I mentioned antisieze.
This is what it is, too bad they didn't have a brass one with a union.
I think anti-seize will reduce the friction but won't help it seal.
When you used the thread sealant, did you smear it on both male and female threads ?
If you only put it on the male threads, as it screws in it removes the sealant from the 1st threads.
And maybe causes the seal to fail ?
I'm not a pipefitter LOL
but I put sealant on both sides and wipe off the excess with a finger.
I think if you redo it and use sealant on both it will seal ok
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