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1970 Chevelle SS

I see them online. Never in person or installed them. Most Ive heard was that they cracked over time. When I preplaced mine, I bought steel from https://www.ss396.com/category/chevelle-frontinnerfenders.html

I've heard the repop plastic wells are a bit iffy. I sold my last decent oem plastic well last summer and I was happy to get rid of it. The metal versions are just so much better in every way.
The Org. plastic inners that came on 1970s were stamped " MADE IN CANADA ". The factory Chevrolet dealership replacements had a lot of numbers in the plastic near and under the headlight buckets, " These SUCK ". The best fitting Plastic inners are the Canada ones. Also most folks DO NOT have the correct hardware to mount the " CANADA " plastic inner fenders. Other than being lighter, and plastic..... For me the only REAL plastic inner fenders ( IF, you want to be correct ) are the CANADA inners. FACT: You will hit the power ball before you find a set of the CANADIAN inner plastic fenders.
My one owner had the Canada inners, They died of old age as plastic does. SOOOOOOooooooo ( Thanks Tom ) I buy a set of the new metal ones for a 1970 Chevelle, What do they fit, ?????? It took a while but I got them to fit and function? Here is what the FITZ ALL 1970 steel inners fit, CHEVYS from 1948 to 2023 CARS, TRUCKS, CORVETTS and boeing 747 Airplanes. You need a big tool box and a lot of time to MAKE them fit a Chevelle, FACT not fiction !
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