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Almost 30 Years...


Shop Foreman
My wife has been working for Wells Fargo/Wachovia/First Union for almost 30 years, was laid off today with a severance package. Companies do not care about people, al you are is an employee number.

Spring is here, she has the garden to work in and projects to do. She wants to work but is going to take a much needed break.
Sorry to hear that. It’s true that many corporations don’t value conscientious, reliable long term employees. Does she thinks she’ll be going back at some point or is this the end of the road for that job? Hope she has a good retirement package from them

Is it still a decent job market for workers? Hopefully she can find something to keep her busy if that’s what she wants.
Has the job been eliminated, or was she replaced by a younger lower pay worker?
Age discrimination is STILL illegal and WF have been in trouble often enough they should know to be careful.
I have always hated Wells Fargo, they are a predatory bank. I've read about their shenanigans for years.
I see people married to their jobs and in one day the job divorces them. All they have left are family and friends but because of the job marriage many relationships are damaged.

Money is nice to have but not having a family or friends to enjoy it with what good is it?

I have told my wife that she is going to do stuff, not sit around all day, I see too many people wasting away because all they want to do is nothing.
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