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When did argon get to be so expensive?


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Senior Member
Maybe it's always been expensive, I don't know. I have a tiny bottle of I got off CL many years ago. I think it's 20cf, and about 14 inches tall. I knew a guy at the welding shop that topped off the bottle once for free just to be a nice guy so I've never really paid to have it filled. I bought a spool gun for the Millermatic to practice and haven't used it much for the last few years. I called Airgas to see how much it would cost to get my little bottle filled. Even though I told the guy it was a tiny bottle he gave me a price of low $200s (for a 60 or 80cf bottle).
I thought to my self later, he must have given me the price to just buy outright a brand new 60 or 80cf. I have a much smaller bottle and I only want it filled or a trade it, not buy a brand new one. So I called to get the price for a 20cf trade in. $168!! for a tiny bottle. who can afford those prices?
I might just have to practice aluminum brazing instead.
I have a bottle of argon and 75/25 and Ii just bought the bottle of 75/25 and it cost (with the 80cf bottle filled) was $600. I filled the 80cf argon about 1 year ago and it cost $45
Dang. I have a "T" size bottle for the Tig in my garage. The bottle lease cost me $330 for 10 years. The contents were under $70. I just weld for friends at home so I don't use much.
Now I'm scared.
It's $49 from where I live to fill a small bottle now, but the place that fills it really uses 75/25 mix. Another welding place I bought argon from was cheating people and it was really 50/50 mix. While it did weld, the welding was very hard to keep going and the welds looked like crap. I though my Hobart welder was junk and had looked into getting a new one until I switched out where I bought my gas from. The Hobart welded like a dream after that and I was really pissed at the other place and called them about that. They did not have much to say, but they did lose a customer.
Let's face it, since Obarry and Biden came to town you can no longer trust anything and if people don't wake up quickly (doesn't appear they will) the good old USA will transform into something unrecognizable to most over 44 yrs of age. We are living in some alternate universe now and it sure as hell isn't a better universe.
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