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The search for my '67 L78 Chevelle SS (New Info)

Post on Lost Muscle Cars. Wes is a great guy who runs it. The 2nd owner of my 67SS posted on there on and only had the California black plate number in a picture of the car. He used that to get the vin and tracked the car to me in 2 days. I had no info on the car so it would pretty cool to get more information.
I bought the book but don’t see anything about where to post things or even an email for Wes.
Did you ever reach out to Wes?

I just sent him a VIN yesterday of a '69 Nova L78 engine I came across... He did his magic, and this morning I was on the phone with the guy who owns the car it came out of!
Dude just found out his Nova is a real L78 and the numbers matching engine still exists!!!
Did you ever reach out to Wes?

I just sent him a VIN yesterday of a '69 Nova L78 engine I came across... He did his magic, and this morning I was on the phone with the guy who owns the car it came out of!
Dude just found out his Nova is a real L78 and the numbers matching engine still exists!!!
Wow ! What does a block like that go for ? $2000-$3000 ? Or let him make the first offer ?
Wow ! What does a block like that go for ? $2000-$3000 ? Or let him make the first offer ?
Block, heads, and intake... probably $6k-ish. More if any of the little stuff like distributor is correct. It has the wrong pulleys on it though, as it was swapped to short water-pump when it was installed in a '68 Chevelle SS396. Carb is wrong too, but I need to look at the extra parts and see if the right one is with it. I looked at the car through a friend of a friend, and am going Sunday to look at the parts to go with it and hopefully make a deal on the car. It's a pretty decent '68 SS that was redone in the 80s and been parked for a couple decades. Will pluck the L78, and drop in one of my extra 454s to get it running.

Someone with less scruples would probably ask $10k knowing it's worth a lot more to that particular guy... not going to hold it hostage though, will ask full market value of L78 parts but not any "extra" to reunite it to its original car.
That's big Derek, and I think you're spot on in regards to value. I recently sold a project '69 chevelle L78 with it's born with engine, without the accessories/brackets. It went for 12k and I'd bet it'd be worth 6k without that engine. The dist, carb, pulleys, little stuff can be worth almost the same.
I couldn't get far enough under the car to check the numbers on the transmission, but it's possible it could be the original 4spd from the car too.
I couldn't get far enough under the car to check the numbers on the transmission, but it's possible it could be the original 4spd from the car too.
I couldn’t imagine getting told someone had an original engine to my car. Especially an L78. That would make my year.
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