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Another "Too big to fail" corporation.
No matter what happens SOMEONE will bail them out.
The brand name may be all that remains of the old organization but they will continue.
The "Woke" crap may not.
Drove by the original Disneyland yesterday and there is zero indication that they are effected by any of this publicity. There are people stacked up to get imto that facilty. No doubt they bring in revenue to the city and local businesses but I doubt that many of the businesses are mom n pop anymore. Politics play a huge part in winners and losers.
Drove by the original Disneyland yesterday and there is zero indication that they are effected by any of this publicity. There are people stacked up to get imto that facilty. No doubt they bring in revenue to the city and local businesses but I doubt that many of the businesses are mom n pop anymore. Politics play a huge part in winners and losers.
Disney will continue to rake cash in, all of the hype is just that, hype.
Drove by the original Disneyland yesterday and there is zero indication that they are effected by any of this publicity. There are people stacked up to get imto that facilty. No doubt they bring in revenue to the city and local businesses but I doubt that many of the businesses are mom n pop anymore. Politics play a huge part in winners and losers.

Being out in Kommiefornia and most there being liberal, I wouldn't expect it would hurt business there, but here in Florida, they are taking a hit bigtime.
Being out in Kommiefornia and most there being liberal, I wouldn't expect it would hurt business there, but here in Florida, they are taking a hit bigtime.
Not being liberal makes this place somewhere you'd rather not reside.. There was a time in life while Walt Disney was alive, that he never could have dreamt what Disneyland might become in "tomorrowland".
Not being liberal makes this place somewhere you'd rather not reside.. There was a time in life while Walt Disney was alive, that he never could have dreamt what Disneyland might become in "tomorrowland".

You need to get out of there Dan and head east. That place is getting crazier by the day.
So now they will "temper" the reviews because they want to protect disney? Bullshit. Let the chips fall where they may, and if you make shit movies, you get shit reviews.

I guess IMDb is woke now too.
So now they will "temper" the reviews because they want to protect disney? Bullshit. Let the chips fall where they may, and if you make shit movies, you get shit reviews.

I guess IMDb is woke now too.
I bet Disney paid them handsomely to alter the reviews.
I bet Disney paid them handsomely to alter the reviews.

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised seeing how the Florida side is bombing bigtime, and there is a high likelihood they will lose their case with the State of Florida (it's not really with DeSantis although the media is reporting it that way), and when that bombs, the case in federal court has no standing, and then disney has to shit 1 billion for the bonds and it doesn't have the capital. They have 200 million liquid and that won't satisfy paying the bonds. You'd think with all the money they had they could hire attorneys who actually knew what they were doing and at least let Iger know he's pissing in the wind and it's about to get real messy for them.
I can definitely see where one side will rate the movie as better than it is because they want to protect Disney and where one side would rate it as worse because they hate Disney. To be honest I think the effect of the left propping up a bad movie is far greater because that’s what Dems do. They see themselves as activists and have to speak their mind whereas conservatives are less likely to get involved. The proof of that belief is that Dems boycott every product that doesn’t support their views 100% whereas very few products are ever attempted a boycott by the right.

However, it sounds like this movie is getting poor ratings world wide, by people who don’t know or give a shit about Ron Desantis or any of our petty political shit. So is it a 4/10 movie or a 7/10 movie? Probably closer to 4.

There are allegations of “review bombing” in other countries too…. Or maybe the movie just isn’t that good.
I think it’s very telling that IMDB is not transparent with how they are altering the rating system for this movie. It tells me the number of star it’s given will be exactly the number they want it to be. They will simply disregard legitimate reviews that they dont like.
And that's the problem. When there is no unbiased reviews all credibilkiuty is lost and you have no standing except for those whom you try to protect, and for a vast majority of people who's eyes are starting to open, that's a recipe for disaster for those companies who elect to grade on a sliding scale.
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