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I was curious about how Woke Little Mermaid was doing. You can find article that spin it either way but this one seems like a pretty good analysis.
It’s my understanding that films like this usually have foreign revenue eclipse domestic. After the first weekend it was being spun as “wow, it’s doing so great domestically that it’s beating foreign box office earning.” The fact however is that it’s bombing in the foreign market. European criticism of the film was again blamed on review “bombing” which led to IMDB and others to prop up the movie by filtering out negative reviews. In the Asian markets they are of course blaming racism.

Another even handed critique of the box office receipts so far

I notice that the articles biased in favor of the movie are quick to make the comparison to 2019 Aladdin live action remake. They point out that TLM actually made a few bucks more than Aladdin on opening weekend. What they never mention however is that Aladdin made TWICE as much in the foreign markets compared to domestic whereas TLM is getting murdered in the foreign markets.

Maybe a little boring for some but I love to see woke go broke.
Not boring at all, I've been following it as well (as my posts show). I want to see disney fail because of the garbage they've pushed. Not sure how old you are JohnC, but back in the late 60s and early 70s, disney was the gold standard for clean wholesome family stuff and I remember watching Mutual of Omaha and then Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights, and everyone in the family and all your friends would watch it. Now, I wouldn't watch anything disney or anything associated with disney. I bet Walt is turning in his grave to see just how far his company has strayed from what was in my opinion one of the best companies there ever was.
As long as they keep losing that's good. They need to cut all management and hire conservative people if they want to turn it around.
Anaheim would collapse without it. There are many businesses that would go belly up. Anaheim is looking like downtown LA as of late. Homeless everywhere and you can no longer see the horizon.
Anaheim would collapse without it. There are many businesses that would go belly up. Anaheim is looking like downtown LA as of late. Homeless everywhere and you can no longer see the horizon.
People are fed up, best was to boycott is with $$$. Unfortunately workers are hurt but really there is no other legal way to "educate" a company.
I have been keeping a Disney+ Subscription mainly for my kids and parents. I received a notice it was going up $4.00 a month, just cancelled it. I know I will get pushback because of Hulu and ESPN, oh well.
I still pay for Netflix and we don't even watch it, my mother does. It's about the only thing she has because she takes care of her failing husband (who's not my father). I've wanted to cancel it, but Lisa reminds me that's all she has.
I still pay for Netflix and we don't even watch it, my mother does. It's about the only thing she has because she takes care of her failing husband (who's not my father). I've wanted to cancel it, but Lisa reminds me that's all she has.
I have Netflix too, my daughter and Parents watch it, I don't. The parents can afford it so if Netflix cancels due to account settings, they can sign up for their own account.
We received notice this past week that Hulu (Disney owned) is going up to 18.00$ per month (216$ per year) with no adds. I'm cancelling this week.
We received notice this past week that Hulu (Disney owned) is going up to 18.00$ per month (216$ per year) with no adds. I'm cancelling this week.
My Disney + renewed on Fri for this month, I am cancelling after everything posts. Looking at Philo as an alternative. It looks like more money but I have Motortrend and Hallmark separately, Philo includes them so I can drop the separate subscriptions.
My Disney + renewed on Fri for this month, I am cancelling after everything posts. Looking at Philo as an alternative. It looks like more money but I have Motortrend and Hallmark separately, Philo includes them so I can drop the separate subscriptions.

Hallmark sucks. They are woke. Lisa watches GAC (Great American Country) and they don't have any fag shit.
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