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21 cars that were famously faulty...

Written by a wanker desperate for clicks and hoping to graduate to putz!
Several of those cars are so horrible they bring over $30K in less than perfect condition these days.
Two items the wanker obliquely referenced but did not actually state.
This is in England, a land of rust and overtaxed cheap-skate owners.
Poor build quality most often was related to "Labor issues" (Union punks) rather than the engineering.
Socialism in the UK killed their auto industry, union punks sabotaged production to force higher wages.
Makes about as much sense as the current EV mandates, companies losing sales due to union louts do not have the funding to pay higher wages!
I have owned or still own several cars from that list, I would downgrade the author to WOG!
Love Morris Minors! A good friend had one in High School in Florida. It wouldn’t cut it in ice or snow but was great on gas and for a get around little car!
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