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Tesla's are Listening

I worked for the inventors of the original Voicemail®.
ANY communication done electronically should always be assumed to NOT be private.
Governments, ours included, demand back-door access to virtually every system.
Yah, I've been the guy installing that patch, so I know this is not a rumor.
Somehow Gov. claims the 4th Amendment does not apply to electronic communication like it does to a land-line calls or old fashioned written mail. 🤬
Gov can still listen in on land lines then tell you they did After an investigation is over, I got a letter saying my phone had been listened in on during such and such months in the late 80’s, my wife’s Bfriend was under investigation not me
There was a time when such incivility required a Warrant beforehand with probable cause and was restricted to JUST the person being investigated.
Now we are told "There is no right to privacy in the Constitution". :mad:
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