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Removing Mildew Spots from Headliner?


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Senior Member
Any suggestions? My recently purchased mostly one-family owned '67 SS likely still has the original headliner in there....it's not very noticable but there are several white areas in the black headliner that have mildew/mold from sitting in a garage for 50+ years. How do I remove these spots? If all else fails I thought I'd use that black Dupli-Color fabric/upholstery spray paint...just a thought.
We just went through this with our leather furniture we had stored in a steel shipping container.

Lisa made a solution of white vinegar and water and cleaned it with that and it came out well.
We just went through this with our leather furniture we had stored in a steel shipping container.

Lisa made a solution of white vinegar and water and cleaned it with that and it came out well.

Use warm water? 1:1 ratio? Use a cloth or sponge? Thanks!
A salty brine kills mold. Be very careful when applying pressure to the liner, those threads are real weak at 50 some years old.
A salty brine kills mold. Be very careful when applying pressure to the liner, those threads are real weak at 50 some years old.
Good point! I already rubbed the spots with warm water and it felt pretty solid but I need to be careful as other than a few spots it’s really nice overall. Maybe the black upholstery spray is the way to go.
I went with the black dye and brushed it on....looks really good where I was able to cover the mold areas. Kinda difficult to do where the light is not so good. That's definitely an outside job when the sun is out. But, this is one reason I love black interiors as black is easy to match and touch up where needed. I believe it is the original headliner though with no tears. I did find a small tear in the rear seat along the ribbed seam...trying to touch it up with black silicon sealer. The joys of having a 56 year old original car! :)
I went with the black dye and brushed it on....looks really good where I was able to cover the mold areas. Kinda difficult to do where the light is not so good. That's definitely an outside job when the sun is out. But, this is one reason I love black interiors as black is easy to match and touch up where needed. I believe it is the original headliner though with no tears. I did find a small tear in the rear seat along the ribbed seam...trying to touch it up with black silicon sealer. The joys of having a 56 year old original car! :)
Hope you're feeling (and breathing) better (y)
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