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AT&T is not customer friendly


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2 weeks ago my landline went down so I called their repair division and they had no clue what to do. Finally I spoke with someone who was to send a repairman to my house. Made that appointment and nobody showed up. So I call again, speak to someone and the line will be repaired by 8 pm tomorrow night. This kept going on until 2 days ago when I got some lady who said, "the Engineer said it's a cable with 900 pairs of wires" so I said you mean 1800 wires? She paused a couple and said "yes". So now it is supposed to be repaired by sometime tomorrow. Ever feel like someone is just having a field day flat out lying to you?
It cannot take a company the size of AT&T 2 weeks to repair a cable!!!
I'm claiming bullshit and something else is going on here. BTW, they own CNN and have ties to China endeavors.
Don't feel bad. I have business clients who had Frontier Fios (formerly Verizon when it actually worked right), and they've had internet services out for 2 weeks with no explanation. Frontier customer service is a complete joke and they have little regard for their customers. Soon after one of my clients internet went out again, they switched to Spectrum, then got a nasty letter from Frontier as to why the bill hadn't been paid and service would be shut off, and my client called and told them "Pay for what? No service? You honestly think I need to pay you for service I didn't get for almost 3 weeks? Sue me, because you're not getting another red cent from me". My client was even yelling when they told me the story as they were still upset at the stupidity.

Piss Poor service is the norm now.
It is interesting that Bell Systems had seven "Regional Bell Operating Companies" (known as "The Baby Bells"), one of which was Southwestern Bell (SBC). The company we knew as AT&T since the breakup in 1984 was reduced to mainly a long distance company. Upon its pending collapse, SBC purchased it and changed its name to AT&T. It's amazing what you can do with capital. I hated them as SBC. Deregulation really took a bite out of operations when they no longer have to pander to the government.
It is interesting that Bell Systems had seven "Regional Bell Operating Companies" (known as "The Baby Bells"), one of which was Southwestern Bell (SBC). The company we knew as AT&T since the breakup in 1984 was reduced to mainly a long distance company. Upon its pending collapse, SBC purchased it and changed its name to AT&T. It's amazing what you can do with capital. I hated them as SBC. Deregulation really took a bite out of operations when they no longer have to pander to the government.
They are deep into the digital profits game. I like my land line too much to willingly give it up. All things digital can be turned off on a whim. Or hacked.
They are deep into the digital profits game. I like my land line too much to willingly give it up. All things digital can be turned off on a whim. Or hacked.
Land lines have been digital after they reach the central office for a very long time, more than 50 years. They could turn your service off or listen to your conversations and record them at will.

"Most of the thousands of 1ESS and 1AESS offices in the USA were replaced in the 1990s by DMS-100, 5ESS Switch and other digital switches, and since 2010 also by packet switches. As of late 2014, just over 20 1AESS installations remained in the North American network, which were located mostly in AT&T's legacy BellSouth and AT&T's legacy Southwestern Bell states, especially in the Atlanta GA metro area, the Saint Louis MO metro area, and in the Dallas/Fort Worth TX metro area. In 2015, AT&T did not renew a support contract with Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) for the 1AESS systems still in operation and notified Alcatel-Lucent of its intent to remove them all from service by 2017. As a result, Alcatel-Lucent dismantled the last 1AESS lab at the Naperville Bell Labs location in 2015, and announced the discontinuation of support for the 1AESS.[dead link][9] [10]In 2017, AT&T completed the removal of remaining 1AESS systems by moving customers to other newer technology switches, typically with Genband switches with TDM trunking only.

The last known 1AESS switch was in Odessa, TX (Odessa Lincoln Federal wirecenter ODSSTXLI). It was disconnected from service around June 3, 2017 and cut over to a Genband G5/G6 packet switch."

That, is how good Western Electric was. A telephone switching system developed in the late 1950's to early 1960's, then installed first in 1965 was used, reliably, until 2017.
Pretty informative.
As it turns out, according to the repair tech, some shitbag went down a manhole somewhere near me and cut and stole soe $7k worth of copper wire and that's where the problem allegedly was. Sad they couldn't jus be honest about it up front. Pathetic that it took 3 weeks to fix it.
What they are charging per month for their land line is 2.5 times more than what I pay for better service and plans on my cell. (which is not AT&T).
They probably didn't even know the wire was stolen till enough people complained for them to bother to look into it, I have Frontier Fios and hate the crappy service, always slow even though I pay for Fast and when it was Verizon there was hardly ever any problems, I have a land line (residential but I use it for bus/fax) cable & internet combo but we pay $202 a month with No premium channels and IMO it's not worth it with all the problems but my wife refuses a change, says They All Suck! LoL
Could also be the "Hold" time, people will get tired of holding and just say F'it till it works again hence No Complaints, Not Me! They always get my mouth...I mean Complaint
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