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I think Chik-Fil-A is great! We have a few in the area. Mostly young (white) kids learning an entry level job. Closed on Sunday's. Food is pretty good. Prices are a little high.
Overall, I like them. I see a disgruntled employee.
Just reporting what I see.... I thought they were great because they didn't march to the tune of all the other companies, but apparently they started to. I liked that they were religious and closed on Sundays, but after hearing what Charlie Kirk said, I'm not so sure anymore.
When my kids were very young, Lisa used to take them there alot in St. Pete where they had an indoor playground and they'd eat lunch and play. Kids loved the waffle fries and nuggets, and Lisa liked the sandwiches.
Chick-Fil-A has a great cob salad and the best chicken strips.
Charlie Kirk is stirring the pot cause there are so many conservative podcasters; he just wants attention.
I like Chik-Fil-A. I fear they’ve lost their advantage in the chicken sandwich wars however. Other sandwiches are usually bigger and crispier. Like Popeye pretty well but don’t have a favorite. Lot of good chicken sandwiches these days.
This really surprises me! Just remember though, it's a franchise business model. The franchise Charlie was in might be owned by a Liberal Democrat with a Woke twisted brain! I'd like to know where he was making that video?
The one thing about chick fil a is that their employees are all expected to act a certain way toward customers. Sadly that is not something you see as often as you should.
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