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Tony Tiger now too.

My first wife was originally from Battle Creek Mi and a Lot of people work for Post/ Kellogg but in IIRC the early 80’s Post Kellogg built a mall outside city limits and practically made the city store fronts look like a Ghost town, we were there around 85 and the city looked like Slummy Shit, Another bites the Dust for me too
I try not to eat much cereal as it's just processed grain (carbs).
Walmart has some good tasting generic raisin bran and other knock-offs.
Kellogg's is outrageously expensive and not good for you.
Lol. That dude (Dylan) has lost more businesses more money than the Great Depression.

If you see a friend with a BL in their hand slap them upside the head.

If Starbucks is tempering their hero worship of gays then the boycott is working.

Jeez, these people would be the first to admit they are born that way. So why are we treating them like they ran into Tower 1 on 911 to save lives? Actually I’m not sure they aren’t being treated better than first responders. Do first responders have an entire month where the whole country treats them like Mother Theresa, Ghandi and Jesus all rolled into 1?
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