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For those wanting to move to Arizona...

Geez, you'd think for that much money they'd replace the garage door which is bad and bowing out..
Kind of a cool property but holy shit, that
price. Especially considering it’s a small house.
It looks like a cool property but it probably sucks to live there. Dusty as shit. Scorpions and rattlesnakes everywhere. 2 acres of useless property. Hot as hell.
Lived in AZ as a very young kid, the HEAT is all I really remember.
My place in No. Nevada is actually cool by comparison.
That place really is useless unless you are an Epstien type looking for your rapey/BDSM hideaway.
I have a brother and sister in Yuma but they’ve been living there since the 70’s , I was there in 75 and 80 and use to have radio warnings “Don’t go outside” if you can help from it or absolutely no choice? You don’t sweat and overheat before you know what happened, placed Sucked back then
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