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Solar on a Rental Home?


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I went to a home today to check a system that was a 2002 Trane split heat pump system, 2 ton and correct size for the 800ish sq ft home, lady recently retired from the Air Force and just wanted to know if it’s working properly since she’s seeing $275 electric bills, I checked her duct work best I could since she just had insulation blown in and was pretty hard to see everything but nothing blowing around up there and was hot so doubt any air loss, I said I’d put my digital gauges and an amp clamp on and check it out, when I asked if she’d like to see the gauges she said Oh Yes, she’s retired plane mechanic and some folks couldn’t care less about seeing anything but after she told me what she did for a living I figured she’d be interested, everything was working well within spec (I was a little surprised how well) and she asked for a quote to add mini splits in another part of the home that has a flat roof but also asked my opinion on installing Solar, I asked didn’t you mention you’re going to rent the house out? She said Yes that’s my plan, I said well I don’t see how that would help you, you’d be putting out any upfront $, responsible for maintenance and Not see any benefit on your electric bill but tenants will get the break on their bill As Far As I Know? So did I give her a good opinion?
I went to a home today to check a system that was a 2002 Trane split heat pump system, 2 ton and correct size for the 800ish sq ft home, lady recently retired from the Air Force and just wanted to know if it’s working properly since she’s seeing $275 electric bills, I checked her duct work best I could since she just had insulation blown in and was pretty hard to see everything but nothing blowing around up there and was hot so doubt any air loss, I said I’d put my digital gauges and an amp clamp on and check it out, when I asked if she’d like to see the gauges she said Oh Yes, she’s retired plane mechanic and some folks couldn’t care less about seeing anything but after she told me what she did for a living I figured she’d be interested, everything was working well within spec (I was a little surprised how well) and she asked for a quote to add mini splits in another part of the home that has a flat roof but also asked my opinion on installing Solar, I asked didn’t you mention you’re going to rent the house out? She said Yes that’s my plan, I said well I don’t see how that would help you, you’d be putting out any upfront $, responsible for maintenance and Not see any benefit on your electric bill but tenants will get the break on their bill As Far As I Know? So did I give her a good opinion?

Yep. She'd get the bill for the panels and the renters would be the ones benefitting.

Good call.
I suppose she could bill them herself for power being used? My system has an app that shows exactly how much I produce, how much I sell, how much I use, and how much I buy.

Might need to look into legalities of billing power usage though, as there may be weird laws "protecting" renters from it.
I suppose she could bill them herself for power being used? My system has an app that shows exactly how much I produce, how much I sell, how much I use, and how much I buy.

Might need to look into legalities of billing power usage though, as there may be weird laws "protecting" renters from it.
As far as I know around here nobody sells power back to Duke energy and seems like everyone pays at least $30 for having Duke, kind of Good & Bad deal IMO, Good you use all the power you want Bad you still Pay Duke
You told her what I would have said.
Plus solar needs someone who understands it to prevent any bad things happening to it.
Renters could possibly damage or destroy it.
Here's a system she could install and use for a backup to her 2 ton ac unit :

All she needs is 6 solar panels and this inverter. No batteries required. Just use utility power at night (the inverter will connect to her main panel).
A mini-split will use half the power her heat pump is using.
I just got an $82 bill for last month and my electric bill during the summer is usually $160- $180. I'm running a 3 ton mini-split instead of my carrier heat pump for ac.
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Wow, this mini-split doesn't need a $1400 solar inverter !

A SEER of 28 ?? Amazing

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Be careful with Signature Solar stuff. They have been having problems with alot of their stuff (EG4 stuff) lately. I returned 4 batteries back to them because of issues.
Be careful with Signature Solar stuff. They have been having problems with alot of their stuff (EG4 stuff) lately. I returned 4 batteries back to them because of issues.
I don't think EG4 makes mini-splits. Probably another ac company just using EG4's solar branding because it's a solar product.
It's a great idea using solar during the day and utility power at night.
I don't think EG4 makes mini-splits. Probably another ac company just using EG4's solar branding because it's a solar product.
It's a great idea using solar during the day and utility power at night.

Most of the products under the EG4 name are manufactured by someone else (chinese made because I talked to him personally when he started), but James Showalter started EG4 and brands many things under it. Their support is horrendous (I know first hand) and takes forever to get resolution.
These DIY mini-splits don't get much warranty support because people like myself install them.
They are so much more efficient and cheaper to run that I am willing to take a gamble.
I hope you got most of your money back on those batteries ! They are terribly expensive.
BTW, I fried one of my 3 overkill solar BMS's because I hooked up a negative battery cable when none was required !
These DIY mini-splits don't get much warranty support because people like myself install them.
They are so much more efficient and cheaper to run that I am willing to take a gamble.
I hope you got most of your money back on those batteries ! They are terribly expensive.
BTW, I fried one of my 3 overkill solar BMS's because I hooked up a negative battery cable when none was required !

I did get all my money back ($6,996.00 to be exact) but it took a month (and that was after they had the batteries back). I had to call them. Like everything else, it takes them forever to resolve an issue of any kind.

If you look at the instructions, he (Overkill) will replace it free of charge even if you screw it up. That's why I bought them. His support is second to none. Call him up and explain, and I'll bet you a $1 he'll replace it for free. He warranties them for life.

I have 9 of the Overkill BMS' and they are outstanding. Rock solid.
If you look at the instructions, he (Overkill) will replace it free of charge even if you screw it up. That's why I bought them. His support is second to none. Call him up and explain, and I'll bet you a $1 he'll replace it for free. He warranties them for life.

I have 9 of the Overkill BMS' and they are outstanding. Rock solid.
I did see that and I need to do that right now. Thanks for reminding me !
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