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So this week I'm the bad guy


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My elderly neighbor who had a heart attack 3 weeks ago finally came home but he is not looking well. Now him and his live in girl friend are both in their 80's and when this happened she was trying to guilt me into helping her as she tried years ago when she had a stroke. She needs to be in assisted living care but she refuses to think that and the both of them are not my problem nor am I going to make them my problem. So yesterday another neighbor comes over to give me crap for not helping them with their choirs, taking them to the store and taking care of their yard and stuff, so I threw it back at him "what are you going to do for them" I said, he replied "I have to work all day and cannot find the time with all my family stuff I have going". I called him a big old hypocrite and said we're done talking then he left pissed off too. If that were not bad enough, This other guy that I used to be friends with (who I dumped as a friend 20 years ago) called me some bad names when he saw me walking one day and tried to run over my foot with his motorcycle, asshole he is. So last night I am riding my bicycle by his house, (now I guess he dying from some sort of cancer I was told) and he tries to corner me and wants to talk. I told his worthless ass "I don't ever want to speak with you and you made you bed now you're going to lay in it" and I rode off. I told my wife as she was with my when he had his little titrate a few weeks ago and was proud of me for not getting into it with him last night. Today my NHRA race friend calls and asks what the hell did you say to him? as he went on to tell me this guy was balling his eyes out to him on the phone today. I had to go into some detail with him on this guy and one shitty thing my former friend did was years ago tell this long time kid I knew that used to be the 20" BMX wheelie bike king but he suffered from depression. I went on to tell him about this my former friend telling the kid "well if you can't go on in life just kill yourself" and then next day that's what happened, the kid committed suicide, sad deal. The kids dad hates this my former friend as he blames my him for his son's death, which I don't blame the dad for feeling like that. I guess in the long run Karma is paying my former friend back for this kind of shit, but for me I am steering clear of everyone else's problems. Sorry to rant, but I sure get sick of people trying to guilt me into stuff to do for them, It don't work with me as I don't ever feel guilty about anything at my age now. After that I went to the gym and had a great day
I wouldn't call you the bad guy, just the guy who's not taking responsibility for everyone else's problems.

I help when I can, but that doesn't include being the lackey either.
It’s nice to help out once in a while but sounds like they are trying to guilt you into being responsible for them. If they are no longer able to take care of their own needs in their home and are unwilling to hire help or go to an assisted living facility, that’s not your problem.
So today one of the nurses stops over to see how the old guy is doing, so I asked "should these 2 be in assisted living care?" Oh yes, they most certainly do as the old guy only has 30-35% heart capacity now, he told me. He was pretty nice to talk with and he also told me "they are a lot like most older people who will not ask for help from anyone" so I had to ask the guy, "so why are you here then?" He went on to tell me that my neighbor is forced to take the out patient care or he'll have to pay for more of his medical bills as a result. I told him thanks for looking in on him.
So today my old neighbor was outside at like 6:30 this morning so I told my wife he must be feeling pretty good today. Around about 8AM 2 trucks pull up with big trailers and the old guy starts hauling stuff out of his backyard and garage. He sold his Honda 250 ATC 3 wheeler for like $100:eek: His big ass boat for $1000 with a huge Merc engine on it also went bye bye. Lot's of good stuff going dirt cheap. As I was taking out the garbage can to the curb he waved at me and I had to ask why he was selling, he thinks he's going to die in the next 6 months. Well that's pretty sad I told him, then he asks if I want to buy his 01 2 wheel dr Silverado truck with 100K on the clock for 20K. I told him I'd pass on that, but he thinks he'll get that, sad thing is when I looked it up on Kelly Blue book, top retail it 8K and his truck needs paint pretty bad. Sure would have liked to scored that ATC Honda though it was in mint shape.
Wonder why he wants an arm & leg for the truck & gives the rest away.
The truck even a Diesel 4WD wouldn't be worth 20K unless mint.
Because they told him he'd get top buck for it if he traded it in. Just more sales BS that he fell hook line and sinker for.
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