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Sinead O’Connor


Veteran Member
Senior Member

Too young. RIP

Between her death and death of Dolores O’Riordan of the Cranberries, Ireland has lost two of the true Queens of 90s pop music.
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"She didn't just call out the catholic church, she claimed the pope was the enemy of the people......that's inaccurate and lacking definition."

You don't think that a white male that is the latest in a succession of white males who heads an organization that not only turns a blind eye to serial child molesters and abusers, but enables them, is not an enemy of the people? Take the term "Catholic Church", remove the word church and add either "Inc" or "Party", and we'd be up in arms about the several hundred years of abuse. Biden sniffs kids hair and we want to (rightfully) hang him, Target sells some faggoty shirts and we want to see them put out of business, but the church gets a pass? As they say in "tha fiff ward", hells naw! The pope, and every one before him is the enemy of any decent human being. Churches in general are a racket, but the Catholics have raised the bar to new heights.
Thus it has ever been. When my wastrel of a great uncle died, my grandmother and his other sister went to the priest to say a Mass For The Dead, he asked for a sum of money far in exces of the normal stipend, and they could not afford it, the priest refused and he was buried without it. To her dying day, my grandmother mourned the fact that her brother spend eternity in purgatory.
You don't need a priest, preacher or any human to commune with god, nor do you have to pay. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise IS an enemy of the people.
The Christian bible says this... "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" It don't say a goddam thing abuot passing the plate! By that defenition, some of our discussions on this site would qualify.
I'm Catholic (raised that way), but I do have a problem with the Catholic Church. Whenever I've asked for help, a hand has always been out looking for money. When I went to the Catholic church to get my first marriage annulled I was told I would have to fill out forms, explain the situation, and pay $600 for a decision from the pope. Pissed me off. Sorry, but the pope is just a man voted in by other men and not perfect by any means. Supposed to be a representative of the apostles? All priests are, but do you see them actually do the job properly? Are they holier than thou art? So why the fuck am I going to ask for an annulment from some guy who doesn't know me or the situation I was in and pay $600 for that decision? Fuck that. God knows what happened, so I don't need permission from another man who knows nothing about me. Strike 1. When at church and bringing my kids up in the Catholic faith, I was told I'd have to pay for them to be taught. All about the money again. Strike 2. Went to church with Lisa and kids on Saturday for 5pm mass when I was told I was not dressed appropriately and I would not be allowed to come back next time unless I had "Sunday go to meeting" clothes on. Okay, who the fuck makes the rules here? Does God look at my clothes, or my heart? Strike 3, I'm out.
Not taking anything from either of your experiences, that's not my intention here. Jesus appointed Peter head of the church, and the Pope is Peter's successor. Peter was a sinner, the Pope is a sinner. The Pope admitted to taking far too long on many of these cases, but it wasn't him making them, it was his guidance to the arch-bishops to ultimately purge the evil, and set path of compensation through the courts. All that can easily be viewed as far too little far too late. Consider the balancing act between running the church in God's name and satifying the secular courts and the victims. To understand the difficulty of that position.
It may sound like I'm giving the church a pass, but it's not that simple, it's my faith vs. the evil that is apparant in every aspect of human dealings, all the way to the head of the church.
We're often guilty of finding targets to blame, it's human nature, it's also divine to forgive and if we only realized the power that forgiveness has on our lives, we'd make use of it more often.
I'm strong in my faith with God, but not so much in the humans who propose to lead in that faith. I do not know all the inner workings of the church, just what I've been taught. Are there bad apples everywhere? Yes, but you'd expect the church to be a bit more controlling of those who represent the church.

While I do forgive because most rules and interpretations come from man, I cannot forgive how restrictive the church had become until such a time that parishioners had dwindled to the point that the church changed its' stance to gain more in the faith.

Here's a little glimpse into another issue our family faced and led to some strong opinions on why I feel the way I do.

The church my parents attended (and raised us in) was a vibrant old church built in the late 1800's that held many of the old ways for a very long time, but as the children of the parish grew up and moved away, the parish dwindled down to a couple hundred (very small town of less than 3,000 people). The boiler that heated that church had been installed in the 50's had died and was way past due being replaced, but the diocese decided that since the parish did not sustain enough in income on Sundays, they would not pay for the replacement boiler and decided to close the church and relocate the priest to another parish. The church is still being maintained by the diocese, but the church and rectory are closed. Is it the position of the church to make the parishioners responsible to support the church financially? I can't say because I'm not privy to the inner workings, but it sure appears that way to me. My brother and I had considered paying to have the boiler replaced (for my Mom and her friends), but my Mom shot that down because she felt as we did that it all came down to money with them. My Mom attends another church now, but has to travel 30+ minutes, but she still attends church every morning.

I on the other hand have not been back to the catholic church since I was told I dressed inappropriately. Do I need to be in church to practice my faith? Nope, I live it everyday, and not like those who attend church on Sunday, and the moment they leave church, they are out to screw their fellow man.

I don't push my beliefs or feelings on anyone, nor would I like someone pushing their beliefs on me, but I welcome open dialog and sharing.
I just can't give the pope a pass any more than I can give Biden or the CEO of Inbev a pass. As any pope comes up thru the ranks a a priest, he HAS to know the evil that other priest are doing. This didn't start last year. When you are in charge, the buck stops with you and the pope is the absolute monarch of Vatican City, and so acts in a political capacity as well as a religious leader.
I don't think any of us are going to change the others minds, and that was not my goal, but I just cannot forgive the papacy for its failure as a leadership and as a fellow human being. He's just Joe Biden in a vestment in my mind. I question the motives of any man who aspires to a position where he is revered by others. And this liberal pope in power now needs to tend to the matters of the chruch and stop criticizing our country. Our politics should be of no concern him as long as his own house is in such disorder.
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