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NC Stolen Mustang Found in FL After 21 Years

That's something. He's getting back his history, but I'm betting now he won't sell it (again).
Little confuisng......he expressed a lot of seperation anxiety when it was stolen, but he put it up for sale?? He obvously came to grips with selling 21 years back.
Selling a Family member would never be a thought in my mind, She’s my Baby but still trying to figure out a way to get her back from Fl? Get a Damn Uhaul car trailer and go get it and thank God you are getting the car back, my bet is it’ll be back up for sale soon, my Very Nice 65 Impala SS Convertible ( but had a 73 350 and T350) was stolen in 1986, cops acted like just a 20 yr old car stolen and didn’t give a shit, never got it back
Selling a Family member would never be a thought in my mind, She’s my Baby but still trying to figure out a way to get her back from Fl? Get a Damn Uhaul car trailer and go get it and thank God you are getting the car back, my bet is it’ll be back up for sale soon, my Very Nice 65 Impala SS Convertible ( but had a 73 350 and T350) was stolen in 1986, cops acted like just a 20 yr old car stolen and didn’t give a shit, never got it back
My thought exactly, if you love it why are you selling it and FL is not that far, drive down and trailer it back.
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