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Some American Graffiti trivia...

I think I've read all those before having a good friend that would always pop that movie in or Hollywood Knights, after a good dinner. His gf was a fabulous cook and put us both on the couch for several hours after dinner. He knew every line, and every lyric of each song, even played his harmonica to some. Every so often he or I or both of us would pass out during the movie but wake up when the plane was taking off and "all summer long" would play. She was a good sport.
I'm sure there are other great movies about being in high school. "Breakfast Club" was really good.
I have a blu-ray copy of "American Graffiti."
I always wondered where most of the film was made : Petaluma CA (north of San Francisco)

I More American Graffiti, Wolfie drove the Milner dragster. Not sure how many know that, I don't see it listed in the credits.

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