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The house next door to me went up in flames...

"The amazing Kreskin says".
A clump of oily/chemical laden rags were left in the home after recent work had been completed!
Amazing how often that happens, and how often it is after most of the work has been done.
When it happened local to me the insurance company refused to cover the damage, citing negligence.
The lot is still vacant but the remaining Gazebo is popular with trespassers, it has a nice view of the valley.
"The amazing Kreskin says".
A clump of oily/chemical laden rags were left in the home after recent work had been completed!
Amazing how often that happens, and how often it is after most of the work has been done.
When it happened local to me the insurance company refused to cover the damage, citing negligence.
The lot is still vacant but the remaining Gazebo is popular with trespassers, it has a nice view of the valley.
I really can’t see why oily rags would be there, a cordless tool battery? Fan plugged in? My plumber friends house burned down from a phone charger that was from a 7/11 or similar while they were out on the town, lost everything
When I was doing electrical work before my friend that held the state elec lic died we were contracted to do a fire resto on a home and county required a special test on the wiring, another Excellent elec co. had already wired most of the burnt wiring but owner fired ServPro resto services for other Shoddy work, anyway we were picking up where SP left off, my elec friend/partner asked the Chief county elec inspector about a certain (Meg test IIRC) test and he said No! I want a test for any existing wire to be tested for High Potential (HiPot?) so we had to hire the elec company that had been removed from the job since they were 1 of 3 companies in the Tri county area that had the equip to do the test, trying to not make this any longer but at least a Megger test would be a good idea since it’s on their dime?
If your siding melted your wall sheathing got hot. If your siding can't be color matched push for new siding on the whole house.

The outside of the house is this stuff - you just paint it.

T11 lap siding. The older stuff (made out of only wood) would rot quickly if you didn't prime and paint it. Surprised they don't use more Hardie panels out there since the can handle just about any kind of weather and heat.
"Oily rags" includes many chemicals that may smolder into combustion.
Solvent used to clean up that foam?
People seem to think that tossing a wad of chemical soaked rags or paper towels in the trash is fine, it is not.
I don't use rags only paper towels, and if I use any chemicals with them, they go outside to dry first, then into a steel garbage can outside.
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