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The house next door to me went up in flames...


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The house next door to me went up in flames tonight (it was empty - someone just purchased the property about 3 weeks ago and that craphole should have been torn down). I had my hose with a powerful nozzle trying to quell the flames and spray my house. The heat was extremely intense.

The outside glass pane on the hall bathroom window shattered, the Cox interface box started to melt, and the paint on the end of my house needs to be redone. There are pieces of melted spray foam roofing everywhere, too.

But, I am okay. The house is okay (for the most part).


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Discovered this morning that I will have to replace the coax coming down from my antenna and possibly the antenna itself (some of the channels are not coming in, and the cable had started to melt).
I've done fire repairs and you'd be surprised the extent of damage from the heat alone. The house I was repairing after a fire melted the vinyl siding on every house within 100'.

That insurance company paid me to reside 4 houses besides the house I was repairing. I was busy for months. Even bushes had to be replaced (I didn't do that) because of vinyl soffit that melted and destroyed them.

Insurance covers everything down to cleaning driveways and soot on other people's houses.
Glad your house is ok other than the blind and coax/antenna.

I hate to be suspicious but was the house a tear down? Maybe they planned to raze it and this way insurance pays them a bit?

They were working on it, so that they could rent it (what I am presuming). They had just put a new spray foam roof on it last week (that stuff melted and went everywhere). The owner is there right now, but I am so irate, it is probably not a good idea to confront her right now.
Brian if she’s still there I’d (nicely ?) ask her for her ins info BTW also very glad you’re ok and only have min damage, think anything inside the wall could be damaged like Romex or any plumbing?
Brian if she’s still there I’d (nicely ?) ask her for her ins info BTW also very glad you’re ok and only have min damage, think anything inside the wall could be damaged like Romex or any plumbing?

I decided not to talk to her, as I am still pissed. The insurance company will be out this coming week to look things over. I can find out her name through a real estate agent I know, then I can pass that on to the insurance company. I think there is only one wire in that outside wall where it got hot and it is only for the bathroom light (which still works fine). The plumbing comes up through the floor, so it should not have been affected.
I decided not to talk to her, as I am still pissed. The insurance company will be out this coming week to look things over. I can find out her name through a real estate agent I know, then I can pass that on to the insurance company. I think there is only one wire in that outside wall where it got hot and it is only for the bathroom light (which still works fine). The plumbing comes up through the floor, so it should not have been affected.

Did you check your shingles?
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