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Out On The Town With A QT 3.14!

Nice!! Good for you.
She’s probably saying the same thing about you btw.
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Thanks John! She bought me a $150 bottle of single malt scotch "dark likker" for my birthday last month, so you may be right :) I've been separated 2 years and divorced a year, and I'm in no hurry to get too serious with anyone, but we've been "keeping company" as my granny would say, for about 6 months, and I'd forgotten how much fun it is to spend time with a good woman.
Well, don't wait too long because she may only wait so long. We aren't getting any younger.

I'm not saying to rush in by any means, but keep it in the back of your head that a good woman is hard to find, and when you do find her you hold on with both hands and don't let go.

My marriage was over 1 year before my ex and I got separated and my divorce wasn't even final yet when I started dating Lisa, but I waited after 6 months of dating before stating my intentions, and another 1.5 years before I married her.
That is a good timeframe, Kevin. Both sets of kids are adults, and all are glad to see each of us with someone. I'll know when the time is right... or I'll be told :)
I will say this much though, after getting married the first time I got to see a different side of my ex after we lived together, so I told Lisa we'd live together first to make sure we were a fit. Funny how when people get comfortable they let their hair down and then you might see stuff you didn't see before. I lucked out as I'm sure you will. I look at it like Lisa was a gift from God for all the shit I took on the first one.
I believe that karma rewards those who pay their dues, and punishes those who've extracted those dues. I live a comfortable life, and have more money in the bank than I have since 1989, and my ex lives with her mother and works a $13/hr work from home job, and didn't have enough $ to send my daughter a card or present when she got married last month. Now THATS a whole 'nother topic!
They just wanted to go to the courthouse and have a small reception here on my paltial screened patio, but couldn't get into any courthouse before the license expired, so a minister friend did it and we had the whole thing here. They didn't want to tell her at all, for fear she'd try to show up, but I told them that finding out on facebook a week later was shitty, even after all her mother had done, so we compromised and they called her two days before and told her it was a spur of the moment thing, figuring that would not be enough time for her to scrape up enough $ for her to show up. The first words out of her mouth were "y'all need to pospone ot 6 months so I can be there" in a real shitty tone. Not congrats or anyting like that, she just jumped to making it about her.

The whole thing was a smashing success, and she was not even missed. My QT was here for me. My son jokingly asked what would we do if mama shows up, I told them she was not allowed in the house and if she beat on the door, I'd call 911 and let them handle it. QT told him not to worry, if the ex showed, that she'd "fuck her up right on the front lawn in front of Jesus and the neighbors"! I think she would have too!
I'm glad your daughter and son in law had a great wedding, and you were the better one to at least teach your daughter the right way to do things. Kudos.

BTW, I really like your QT and she definitely sounds like a keeper. I hope it works out for you guys. You both deserve to be happy.
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