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It’s insane that “liking” something gets you cancelled. It’s like there is no free speech anymore and zero tolerance for criticism of the Democrat policies. You must support them enthusiastically or you’re dead to them.

How “tolerant,” “diverse,” and “inclusive” of them. 🙄
I suspect they know that virtue signaling for a George Floyd is not going to fill the stands with liberal spectators but they likely feel the need to shed their “redneck” reputation.
I suspect they also felt it was worthwhile because no one would care about this guy. I don’t think he’s a factor in the races.

Problem is they overestimated how much more some corporate virtue signaling conservative spectators were willing to accept.

I wish we collectively could get our shit together as conservatives. One race where attendance was down 90% would send quite a message.
Our family 'were' huge NASCAR fans and supporters early on. I remember growing up with it. After Dale Sr. passed and NASCAR started curbing 'racing' , we stopped watching. NASCAR in my opinion took racing out of it long ago. I held in as long as I could but the changes in the cars to be mirror images, and the push to restrain drivers from being aggressive has been too much. We haven't watched a race in over 10yrs.
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