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Dick's Sporting Goods

I agree that not selling guns has hurt Dick's sales, but that was 4 years ago.
Now they are hurting because of theft, just like a lot of other places.
Still don't know what the hype is about yeti coolers. Plastic case with foam core. Whoopty shit. I have coolers I've had for years that cost me $20 and they work great. Buying just a name? Yeah, dumbasses do that.
Ever hear of Snap-On tools ? They are way overpriced. Not worth the money IMHO.
YETI is the same.
A brand name can be worth a lot if it has a great reputation.
I always bought Craftsman or Harbor Freight, depending on how much quality I wanted. :)
Still don't know what the hype is about yeti coolers. Plastic case with foam core. Whoopty shit. I have coolers I've had for years that cost me $20 and they work great. Buying just a name? Yeah, dumbasses do that.
Poor people buy high-end names of low-end products.

Tennis shoes, phones, clothing, etc...
If you're poor or lower middle-class, those are the products you dream of being able to spend a "lot" of money on.

Upper middle class don't care about that shit because they're dreaming about bigger things like a new truck, a boat, a lake-house, etc.
I've often thought about what I would do if I struck it rich, and Lisa and I remarked our lives wouldn't change much except to help out those less fortunate. We live a modest life, don't really have anything extravagant and don't really want for anything. I've been down that road working for the almighty buck and I made alot of it, but once you have it, there really isn't any difference with the exception of all the time you've wasted on something that really didn't yield a great return on the investment of time. It may sound funny, but I'm richer than most in that I have a great wife, great kids, and have had a great life. Money can't buy happiness and satisfaction (despite what some say).
A car show friend displays this with his '67 Bonneville survivor car...

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I see down low Coleman 👍👍🙂, I have an Igloo Cube I’ve been using for 10+ yrs for my work cooler and it’ll keep ice inside a hot Fl work van all day long and still bring plenty ice home for our Rabbits AC system 👍🙂


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