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Old Chevelles

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Here's a new travel trailer for any of you who might be looking...

You'd need a tractor to pull that thing any distance. Bet it weighs 15k to 20k lbs. They don't make them that good anymore.
I Briefly lived in one of those POS in the 70’s , that’s a Plant it and Leave it! When they were New, Oh then let it Rest In Peace…’s 👍
I lived in one half that size in the early 80s when I was stationed at Camp Lejeune because there were no houses available on base for families. Rent was like $250 a month, but it included electric. Older than dirt, but it kept us out of the rain.
I cannot state just how badly I despise "The mother of......" to describe anything.
Paying homage to Saddam Hussein is NOT the way to get my respect. :mad:
Tail swing would be a Bitch!

Nowadays it would have 3 9000 lb axles, upgraded suspension, G rated tires and more aerodynamic. A 1 ton truck could pull it but you had better have a premium hitch. Getting it into a site would be a pain, if you can find one. But again, tail swing.
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